Green Belt Dwelling no planning permission

August 30, 2022 by Denise in forum Planning Forum

#1344 Denise, 30 August 2022, 14:21

I am just looking for some initial guidance on the process we would need to go through for the following:

A family member has owned 6 acres plus stabling down a small road which lies inside green belt. They have owned this for over 30 years. There were initially 2 caravans on the land, but as these deteriorated, they replaced them over 10 years ago with one single storey log cabin style building which does have foundations, its been used as holiday accomodation but has not been occupied permanently.

The stables are in a U shape at the front of the property, the cabin is at the rear.

All other properties on the area are residential with 1 1/2 storey houses and the property in front of theirs has recently been granted 3 new bungalows in replacement of farm buildings.

Years ago the property after theirs was also only stabling and now has full residential planning on it, which they also got retrospectively.

They would ideally like to get planning permission for the stables to be expanded slightly width wise and designed as 1 1/2 storey development, switching a smalled stable block to the rear.

Or at least make the residential development that had been done lawful.

Would they have a chance to get the current residential development legal, given the length of time?

If they did get it retrospectively approved, would there be a cost, e.g back council tax?

If they wanted to develop it by switching the accomodation in place of the stables and then the stables where the current residential development is, should this be something that is applied for after getting the current development approved (assuming they can do this of course)

They are retired and love the place so are scared that if they ask any questions it might cause them problems with what they built, so would any planning consultant be prepared to sign a confidentiality agreement before all details were revealed, also what would be the likely cost for a consultation.

Sorry if this is too lenghty but any help would be appreciated.

#1345 Damian, 30 August 2022, 15:04

Unfortunately, this is something you will need to speak to a Planning Consultant about as it is a little more involved than providing a simple and straight forward answer.

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