Minor Landscaping - Do I Need Planning Permission

March 27, 2023 by John Robson in forum Planning Forum

#1531 John Robson, 27 March 2023, 12:36

I have a sunken driveway, at the end of my garden, with a remaining 'grassy knoll' of raised (about 4 -5 feet) mud and clay we find difficult to maintain. We wish to remove this to leave a more open, level frontage to the property. The driveway entrance will remain in exactly the same position, but it will be easier to turn the car on the drive as the gravelled area will feel less confined. There'll be less in the way to, potentially, reverse into.

The house is at the back of the lot, far enough away for subsidence/settlement to not be a concern.

The neighbour of the adjoining garden has no issues with this. Her garden will be supported by concrete slot-in fence panels matching those which already exist for part of the driveway on her side, and the full length of it on the other side.

There is a gas service running through it, which the supplier has agreed to move. Electricity and phone lines are all on poles at the other end of the lot. The water supply is also at the other end of the lot. I see almost zero probability that there is any other service running through the 'knoll'. 'Almost' because until it's dug no-one can be absolutely certain.

It's about 30m3 (before digging out). Mostly clay subsoil, some low quality topsoil, turf, an old tree stump and a short line of hedge (short enough to be cut down by hand after checking for active nests and other wildlife).

Any thoughts on the need for planning (or other) permission?

#1532 Damian, 1 April 2023, 17:09

If it will require retaining walls, Planning may see it as an engineering option and therefore requiring formal approval. If in doubt, speak to your LPA or submit an informal request for Pre-application advice.

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