permitted development of a garage and foundations

October 4, 2023 by Paul Watkins in forum Planning Forum

#2112 Paul Watkins, 4 October 2023, 15:48

From what i can see, permitted development will cover a 3 car wooden garage built from a kit behind my house, obviously complying to the height/boundary and size rules etc etc. please confirm my research is correct?
But the garage will require a concrete slab to erect it on - do i need separate full planning mission for a 8m x 6m slab?

#2113 Damian, 4 October 2023, 16:25

Providing you have PD rights, there are no site restrictions and the proposal complies with the PD requirements, then fine. The slab is not treated separately as it would be required to build/form the garage.

#2117 Paul Watkins, 5 October 2023, 11:27

Thanks Damien, this is sounding promising, I was looking at the class F section in the technical information on permitted development - is the approval within this section? as the pad will be greater than 5 square meters and of course i'll provide run off to porous area (grass) or from what you're saying the entire structure falls within the class E section?

Sorry - last question - I'm assuming a prior permission application is a good idea? or maybe a Lawful Development Certificate application?

Many thanks in advance.

#2118 Damian, 5 October 2023, 12:34

You just need to concentrate on Class E for outbuildings.

If you would like confirmation that the proposals constitute PD, you would need to submit a LDC application. If you submit that application before the works start, the fee is £103.00. If you submit that application during or after the works have been completed, the fee is £206.00. The Planning Portal service charge fee of £34.00 would be added on top.

#2119 Paul Watkins, 5 October 2023, 12:45

Amazing, many thanks indeed.

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