Roof In Garden…

September 27, 2023 by George in forum Planning Forum

#2110 George, 27 September 2023, 14:02


I have a small business that requires customers to sit outside, I have taken on a small property which had a roof erected in the garden which was perfect. Since I moved in and signed the lease, I found out that the roof that was erected by the previous occupant did not request planning permission, the council (Hertsmere) have given me until the end of December to pull the structure down, I have also found out that it’s a listed building.
My question is, is there anything I can currently do to the wooden structure to modify it in some way to make it compliant so I don’t have to spend ££££’s to come up with another solution? Can anyone think of a solution that may not need planning permission from a council that would be affordable and a cover solution for my customers? For some reason I can not attach pictures or anything to this post. Maybe I should be looking for someone that might be able to assist me with something like this but I’m not sure to what type of person I should be looking for.

#2111 Damian, 27 September 2023, 17:56

It wouldn’t matter how it’s constructed or what it looks like, it’d still be deemed as a roof garden/terrace/balcony and would ultimately result in various refused applications.

You’re going to have come up with an alternative design and position/location and then put that forward to the Planning department.

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