Why do planning departments ask for a time extension?

December 16, 2023 by Cos in forum Planning Forum

#2167 Cos , 16 December 2023, 10:31

What is the point of the planning department asking for an time extension when they can just refuse use the application if the appelant denies the request?

What not just refuse the application without asking for the extension?

#2168 Damian, 16 December 2023, 19:33

It depends on the circumstances. The LPA may be awaiting responses from neighbours or consultees.

In most cases, applicants agreeing to an EoT could overturn the PO’s concerns and result in an approval.

#2169 Cos , 16 December 2023, 22:04

Well, what happened was that they set themselves an impossible deadline of Christmas day to decide on the application.

That meant that we've now been asked for an extension to allow statutory consultees (neighbors) time to respond.

For us the issue is two-fold. Firstly why set themselves a target in the first place which they knew they wouldn't allow themselves enough time for the neighbors to respond.

And, secondly why bother asking for a extension. From what I've read if we refuse they'll either refuse the application (can they even do that without looking at it???) or delay it by pushing it to the back of the queue.

Seems a strange thing to ask when they'll delay by one means or another.

#2170 Damian, 16 December 2023, 23:07

The 8 week date is set automatically and does not take into account bank holidays. Tbh, it’s better they’re being a little proactive now, as opposed to not communicating the dates with you at all.

I don’t know why applicants would decline to agree to an EoT… especially if there is a strong possibility of the application being approved. If however there were many issues that didn’t comply with various policies, then ask for the application to be withdrawn as opposed to it being formally determined.

#2171 Cos , 17 December 2023, 18:40

I can see the point to allowing more time but in this case I doubt getting this through will be easy firstly due to the absolutely abysmal planning officers (and that the council just don't want people to modify their property) and secondly the vindictiveness of the neighbors.
It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't object just because I didn't let them rent my garage and use my off road parking (they've used every single moan and gripe to be as awkward as possible).

That is simply another matter though!!

The cynic in me really just wanted to know the logic behind asking for an extension when it was a demand and not a request. I just wanted to know the logic behind it all when all they needed to do is just refuse.

In our particular case it seemed like they set themselves up to fail, given the initial deadlines were impossible to meet, and then force us to accept a delay to save their bacon so puts it all back on us to accept or delay / refuse when it isn't our fault.

Very strange legislation indeed.

#2172 Damian, 17 December 2023, 22:41

If they have “asked” you for an EoT, then how can it be a demand? It’s a request and something for you to agree to. If you don’t, they will determine the application with the information provided to date.

I’m not really sure what answer you’re wanting to hear!?!

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