The importance of using safety boots when carrying out work at home

February 10, 2012

The mandatory use of safety boots is now widespread in the world of work, thanks in a large part to the stipulations laid down by the Health and Safety Executive.  Construction workers and tree surgeons, as well as hauliers and many factory workers are now required to wear safety boots, a term which can mean several different things – to get an idea of the different types of foot protection available, try taking a quick look at the range of safety boots carried by major supplier Safety boots can provide protection against a range of potential hazards, from noxious chemicals to heavy objects, but what has this got to do with carrying out jobs in the home?

Safety BootsThe simple answer is that many of the safety issues that can be encountered in the workplace can also be present when you carry out DIY jobs in the home.  The main challenge is that in your own place of residence you are much less likely to be aware of these possible perils, as familiarity can breed complacency.

One of the most common types of safety boot is the steel toe cap.  These boots are often made of heavy duty leather, with a steel toe cap providing vital protection from falling heavy objects for the toes.  While making up a relatively small portion of the foot, breakages or even bad bruising to any of the toes can severely limit mobility, making it extremely painful to walk, or even drive.  In the worst case scenario, loss of even the smallest toe can result in permanent and significant balance problems.

When heavy loads are carried in the workplace the simple but effective protection provided by safety boots is a no brainer, but how often have you started work in the garden wearing just an old pair of trainers?  From the slip of a wet fork or spade, to dropping a flagstone for a new pathway, there are literally hundreds of accidents in gardens up and down the UK each year which result in significant foot damage, a trip to casualty, and time off work.  And the fact is that the vast majority of this damage simply would not have occurred if suitable safety boots had been worn, if only it didn't seem a bit like overkill?

Staying with the garden example, and many people with larger properties have trees and shrubs which require regular pruning, and the occasional piece of axe work, thanks to high wind damage.  Except we don't use axes anymore – the electric chainsaw is a much more likely bit of kit to be found in the keen gardener's shed. While axes are of course also dangerous, chainsaws – even relatively low powered electric domestic versions - can do massive damage in just a split second.  While tree surgeons will, as a matter of course, wear safety boots - with not just steel toes caps, but uppers made of special ballistic material when using a chainsaw - many don't think twice about firing up the electric chainsaw at home, and cutting fallen logs wearing only a normal pair of wellies.  One to think about!  For more information on safety boots and other health and safety issues, try looking at the Health and Safety Executive website:

The importance of using safety boots when carrying out work at home

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